
Foot Locker

Availability: In stock
Product Code: FOOT
Short Description Foot Locker is available in fixed denominations. Click on “add to cart” to see values available and select the quantity for each item.
Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
Foot Locker $25
Foot Locker $50


Known as the chain where staff uniforms resemble sports referees, Foot Locker specializes in providing its primary customer, the 12-to-24 year old male, the latest styles and technologies in basketball, running, cross-training and various athletically-inspired fashions. Foot Locker maintains its competitive position by keeping its merchandise assortments fresh, updating the look and feel of its store environment and providing exceptional customer service.


$25; $50



British Columbia - 19
Alberta - 13
Saskatchewan - 5
Manitoba - 6
Ontario - 53
Quebec - 25
New Brunswick - 3
Nova Scotia - 4
Newfoundland - 2