
Petro - Canada

Availability: In stock
Product Code: PETRO
Short Description Petro - Canada is available in fixed denominations. Click on “add to cart” to see values available and select the quantity for each item.
Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
Petro - Canada $5
Petro - Canada $10
Petro - Canada $20
Petro - Canada $25
Petro - Canada $50
Petro - Canada $100
Petro - Canada $500


Petro - Canada is Canada’s gas station!

Petro - Canada produces and sells high-quality gasolines for Canadian driving conditions — even winter.

Everyone loves to save on fuel — that's what makes the Petro-Canada™ Preferred Price™ Card a great gift idea for any occasion. If you have a Petro-Canada Preferred Price Card, you'll instantly get fuel savings at participating Petro-Canada stations every time you use it. Give it as a gift and the recipient will save 10¢ per litre instantly every time they swipe their card, up to 250 litres. 

The Car Wash Season Pass lets you wash your car once a day for 90 days at any participating SuperWash™ car wash or Glide™ Auto Wash location. Keep your car clean and protected all season long.


$5; $10; $20; $25; $50; $100 ; $500
Car Wash Card* (see note below)
Preferred Price Card* (see note below)


British Columbia 154
Alberta 114
Saskatchewan 31
Manitoba 34
Ontario 435
Quebec 183
New Brunswick 16
Nova Scotia 33
Yukon 1


*For further information regarding Petro - Canada's Car Wash and Preferred Price prepaid cards, please send a note to with your request.

Petro - Canada™ Gift Card.  Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business. ™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence.